Thursday, September 18, 2008


I was passing through the pantry when I heard some new joiners referring to their flat owners as land lords.

I am not sure what is so Lord about them. We curse them more than we worship them. We convert our devoutness from one to another so very often. When our pockets are deep enough, we elevate ourselves to become one of them. Then we look around and feel so very common amongst the myriad Lords and crave to become an Overlord!

Jeez, can you please stop calling land/apartment owners Lords?


Navin said...

Valid point. But, I think you are taking the term 'land-lord' too literally.

Navin said...

Valid point. But, I think you are taking the term 'land-lord' too literally.

Maverick said...

@navin: It is a term borrowed from the past feudal society and I found it funny to be used in the modern day context :)

tt_giant said...

maybe we can change it to something like "lord" labakkudas ;p

Maverick said...

@@t_giant: :)) I was tempted to use that!